Awesome Mentors

List of students at IIIT-Delhi willing to help and mentor others with their opensource contribution or their projects.


How to contact the mentor?

Mentorship focus area lists areas in which the mentor is comfortable in mentoring. The star( * ) symbol under “Mentorship focus area” column means that the mentor is willing to help with any project.

Mentor Name (A->Z) GitHub Mentorship focus areas
Palash Bansal @palashbansal96 Graphics, Android, Unity3D, Game Development, x86 asm, ARM, RPI/Arudino, VR, PHP, django, Image Processing(OpenCV mostly), Dev on Windows, Hackathons, CTFs, *
Peeyush Kushwaha @peey Babel-GSoC, Compilers, all things JavaScript
Sambhav Satija @darkryder Django, Flask, Android, GBA development, C, Infra tools, DevOps, CI/CD pipelines, *
Siddharth Yadav @geekSiddharth OpenWorm-GSoC, Image Processing(OpenCV, ImageJ, skimage), front-end development, Keras, RPI/Arudino
Muhammad Falak @mfrw Linux Kernel, Distributed Systems, Go, *
Naman @naman web/mobile-dev, systems, HCI, programming language, DevOps, Privacy, Security, *
Raghav Kukreti @raghav-kukreti web(flask, django, html, css, sass, less, coffeescript, jquery, vue, node {express, sails-js}), databases(mongo, postgres, sqlite), ml/dl(tensorflow, pytorch, sklearn), gui/graphics(qt, unity), hackathons *
Viresh Gupta @virresh coala-GSoC, desktop, web and android development, databases, ml/dl/rl, scripting, automation and testing, *
Khushal Sharma @logan1x Python, Web(html, css, flask, vanillajs), Privacy, Security, Linux,Computational Biology, *


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